Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Eat This Reply...

1) I think he kind of acts like a comedian who likes to insult his audience (readers), and yet I found myself wanting to read more, because I don't eat fast food at all...I found it interesting as well as very humerous (I must admit I do like fast food commercials, because they try to one up each other in stupidity).

2) I like his insulting, big-brother-style of picking on you (meaning the fast food consumers), he uses big words at the start to draw you in, because your thinking what the hell is he trying to talk about...but then he just goes with it. I like that I loved was "Oh my, yes. It's like a giant middle finger to your heart." IF I where a fast food consumer, I would think twice before eatting there again after reading this...
to eat this food in order to eat."
3) People in his town would like it, because that seems to be the attitude it reflects on the city...just like the writer from Chicago (the thug, tough guy attitude there), people flock to that because they can relate to that...However, an average fast food online consumer probably is thinking "where does this guy get off talking like day is so busy, I have

4) His column would not fly here...maybe in a big city like Chicago or St. Louis, but not many people would be insulted. I think they should look at it through a humerous, satire style story.

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